component of velocity中文什么意思

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  1. Then , the distribution of tangential , radial , axial components of velocity and pressure is given
  2. Aimed at design index of input power 1 . 5kw , most output rotate velocity 300rpm , and rating output rotate velocity 150rpm , considering factors of angle and ratio of transmission , on the basis of kinematics simulation , author optimized the kinematics parameters . in this paper , author has made some analysis and study to the primal assembly condition of transformer ' s sequential action in theory , designed structure dimension of the input and output transformer , and verified the corresponding strengthen . further , the structure , which is to key transmission components of velocity control system of the speed regulator , has been designed based on meeting operational sensitivity , precision and self - locking
    本文针对输入功率为1 . 5kw ,最大输出转速,额定输出转速的无级变速器的设计要求,并考虑到传动角及变速比等因素,在运动学仿真的基础上,对运动学参数进行了优化;本文对变换器连续作用的初始装配条件进行了理论分析与研究,对输入、输出变换器作了结构尺寸的设计,并进行了强度校核计算;本文还对变速器调速系统中主要传动构件在满足操作的灵敏度、精度、自锁性的基础上进行了结构设计;最后采用workingmodel3d软件,进行虚拟样机的计算机辅助仿真设计及运动学和动力学计算。


  1. component of the six cardinal points 什么意思
  2. component of the three arrangers of time 什么意思
  3. component of the wind 什么意思
  4. component of variance 什么意思
  5. component of vector 什么意思
  6. component of velocity normal to range 什么意思
  7. component of voltage 什么意思
  8. component of wiring frame 什么意思
  9. component operating hours 什么意思
  10. component optical link budget 什么意思


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